Prof. (Dr.) Ashish Shrivastava
Dean, SFET,Skill Professor (Electrical Engineering),Dean NAAC (IQAC)
B.E. (Electrical Engineering), M. Tech. (Hydro-Electric), Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
Areas of Interest
Power Quality, Power Electronics and Drives, Electric Vehicles, High Speed Energy Storage Devices, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Solar PV, SMPS, Custom Power Devices, PFC Electronic Ballast, PFC LED Driver and PFC DC/DC Converters etc.
Ph.D. pursuing: 10
Ph.D. guided: 01

Dr. Ashish Shrivastava earned his B. E. and M. Tech. degrees with honors in Electrical Engineering from the Govt. Engineering College, Rewa (MP), and MANIT, Bhopal (MP), respectively. He is awarded Ph.D. on “Power Quality Improvements in Lighting Systems” from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi under the supervision of Prof. Bhim Singh. He has been conferred with prestigious POSOCO POWER SYSTEM AWARD 2014 (PPSA-2014), under the Doctoral category for his outstanding research work focusing on “Low-Cost Energy Efficient Electronic Ballast/LED Driver for Low Power Lighting Applications with Power Factor Correction”.
Dr. Ashish Shrivastava is currently a Skill Professor (Electrical Engineering) and Dean (SFASH & IQAC) at Shri Vishwakarma Skill University. He has a rich experience of 22 years in academics and has published more than 90 research papers in peer reviewed and indexed international journals of high repute including IEEE Transactions in Industrial Electronics and IEEE Transactions in Industrial Informatics etc. With a flair for research and hands on approach, he acquired expertise in design and implementation of DC/DC converters for power factor correction in many applications such as different lighting loads, SMPS, power supply, Electric vehicles, Solar PV, UPS etc. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Life member of ISTE. Currently, he is supervising 10 research scholars from different universities. His areas of interest include Power Quality, Power Electronics and Drives, Electric Vehicles, High Speed Energy Storage Devices, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Solar PV, SMPS, Custom Power Devices, PFC Electronic Ballast, PFC LED Driver and PFC DC/DC Converters etc.
Publications and Other Achievements
Conference Organized
- International Conference on “Startup ventures: Technology Developments and Future Strategies” (SV-TDFS-2018) 2018 organized during 08th – 09th October 2018.
- National Conference on “Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles” (FlexEV-2021) 2021 organized during 18th – 19th March 2021.
- International Conference on “Startup ventures: Technology Developments and Future Strategies” (SV-TDFS) 2022 organized during 19th – 20th May 2022.
Research articles published in Journals
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Boost PFC Electronic Ballast for 18 W Compact Fluorescent Lamp,” International Journal of Engineering and Information Technology (IJEIT), vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 25-29, Mar. 2010.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Improved Power Quality Based High Brightness LED Lamp Driver,” International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST), vol.4, no.1, pp. 135-141, Mar. 2012.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Improved Power Quality Based Electronic Ballast for a Fluorescent Lamp with Constant DC Link Voltage,” Asian Power Electronics Journal (APEJ), vol.6, no.1, pp. 11-16, Oct. 2012.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Power Factor Corrected DCM Based Electronic Ballast,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, Springer, vol.95, no.4, pp. 403-411, Dec. 2013. (IF-1.67, 2021)
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Single Stage Single Switch Power Supply (S4PS) Design for Low Power HB-LED Lighting,” International Journal of Emerging Electrical Power Systems (IJEEPS), vol.14, no.1, pp. 33-40, May 2013.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “A high power factor and low crest factor Cuk converter for lighting systems,” International Journal of Energy technology and Policy (IJETP), vol. 10. no.1, pp. 21-35, Mar. 2014.
- Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “Buck Converter Based Power Supply Design for Low Power LED Lamp Lighting” IET Power Electronics, vol.7, no.4, pp. 946-956, Apr. 2014. (IF-2.112, 2021)
- Ashish Shrivastava, Bhim Singh and Somnath Pal, “A Novel Wall-Switched Step-Dimming Concept in LED Lighting Systems using PFC Zeta Converter” IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol.62, no.10, pp.6272-6283, Mar. 2015. (IF-8.162, 2021).
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Constant on Time Controlled Zero Voltage Switching Electronic Ballast with Power Quality Improvement,” IET Power Electronics, vol.6, no.9, pp. 1710-1722, Sep. 2015. (IF-2.112, 2021).
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Single Stage Unity Power Factor Based Electronic Ballast,” Sadhana, Indian Academy of Sciences, Springer, vol.41, no.10, pp. 1111-1122, Oct. 2016. (IF-1.347, 2021)
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “A Highly Efficient Coupled-Inductor SEPIC Topology Based PFC DC-DC Converter for Low Power LED Lighting Systems,” IETE Technical Review, Jan 2018, Taylor and Francis. (IF-2.2, 2021)
- Amit Agrawal, Ashish Shrivastava and K. C. Jana, “Uniform Model and Analysis of PWM DC-DC Converter for Discontinuous Conduction Mode,” IETE Journal of Research, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 569-581, July 2017, Taylor and Francis. (IF-2.333, 2021)
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “A Universal Input CrCM Luo Converter with Low Cost Pilot-Line Dimming Concept for General Purpose LED Lighting Applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, vol.14, no.11, pp. 4895-4904, Nov. 2018. (IF-11.648, 2021)
- Amit Agrawal, Ashish Shrivastava and K. C. Jana, “A Universal Input, Single Stage AC-DC LED Driver for an Auditorium Light,” Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, vol.28, no.2, Feb. 2019, Word Scientific, Singapore. (IF-1.333, 2021)
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “A Universal Input PFC CSC Converter in Low Power Consumer Lighting Applications,” IETE Technical Review, Aug. 2019, Taylor and Francis. (IF-2.333, 2021)
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “High Efficiency Wide Input Extreme Output (WIEO) Tapped Inductor Buck-Boost Converter for High Power LED Lighting,” IET Power Electronics, vol.13, no.3, pp.535-544, Feb. 2020. (IF-2.112, 2021)
- Sandeep Tripathi, Ashish Shrivastava and K. C. Jana, “Self-Tuning Fuzzy Controller for Sun-Tracker System using Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) Technique,” ISA Transactions, vol. 101, pp. 50-59, Jun. 2020. (IF-6.41, 2021).
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “An efficient wide input wide output CrCM flyback converter in high-power LED lighting,” International Transactions of Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 30, no.8, May 2020 (IF-2.639, 2021).
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “Novel distortionless dimming in high power LED lighting using isolated SEPIC converter,” IET Power Electronics, vol.13, no.15, pp. 3234–3242, Jun. 2020. (IF-2.112, 2021).
- Amit Rai, Ashish Shrivastava and K. C. Jana, “A CNN-BiLSTM based deep learning model for mid-term solar radiation prediction,” International Transactions of Electrical Energy Systems, Accepted for publication, Oct. 2020 (IF-2.639, 2021).
- Shubham Tiwari, Bharti Dwivedi, M. P. Dave, Ashish Shrivastava, Amit Agrawal and Vikas Singh Bhadoria, “Unit commitment problem in renewable integrated environment with storage: A review,” International Transactions of Electrical Energy Systems, Accepted for publication, Dec. 2020 (IF-2.639, 2021).
- A. Rai, A. Shrivastava, and K. C. Jana, “A Solution for Power Crisis and Environment Pollution from Electricity Generation - A Study of Sub-tropical Regions,” Smart Sci., vol. 09, no. 01, pp. 40-50, March 2021.
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “Quasi-Constant Bus Voltage CrCM Boost PFC Fed LLC Resonant Converter in High Power LED Lighting Systems,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 4142-4161, Jan. 2021. (IF-2.378, 2021).
- K. M. Bhargavi, N. S. Jayalakshmi, D. N. Gaonkar, Ashish Shrivastava and Vinay Kumar Jadoun, “A Comprehensive Review on Control Techniques for Power Management of Isolated DC Microgrid System Operation, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 32196-32228, March 2021. (IF-3.367, 2021).
- Amit Agrawal, Ashish Shrivastava, Kulwant Singh, Bidyut Mahato, Shubham Tripathi and Amit Rai, “SEPIC Converter in Discontinuous Conduction Mode: Small Signal Modeling and Analysis,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 2735-2758, Nov. 2021. (IF-2.378, 2021).
- A. Rai, A. Shrivastava, and K. C. Jana, “A robust auto encoder-gated recurrent unit (AE-GRU) based deep learning approach for short term solar power forecasting,” Optik, vol. 252, pp. 168515, Feb. 2022. (IF-2.443, 2021).
- A. Rai, A. Shrivastava, K. C. Jana, and J. N.S., “Techno-economic-environmental and sociological study of a microgrid for the electrification of difficult un-electrified isolated villages,” Sustain. Energy, Grids Networks, vol. 28, pp. 100548, Dec. 2021. (IF-5.405, 2021).
- Rajesh Narayan Deo, Ashish Shrivastava and Kalyan Chatterjee, “Design of energy-saving driver circuit for 80 Watt LED using Flyback Converter,” Journal of Engg. Research, April 2022.
- Himanshu Priyadarshi, Kulwant Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “Experimental study of maghemite nanomaterials towards sustainable energy storage device application,” Material Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 147, April 2022 (IF-4.644, 2021).
- Jayalakshmi N. S., V. K. Jadoun, D. N. Gaonkar, Ashish Shrivastava, N. Kanwar and Nandini K. K., “Optimal operation of multi-source electric vehicle connected microgrid using metaheuristic algorithm,” Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 25, No. C, Aug. 2022. (IF-8.907, 2021).
- S. Pal, B. Singh and A. Shrivastava, “A Novel Cost-Effective Dual-Colored LED Lighting in Household Applications,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 4425-4434, Aug. 2022. (IF-5.462, 2021).
- Bidyut Mahato, Saikat Majumdar, Kartick Chandra Jana, Amit Agrawal and Ashish Shrivastava, “A Generalized Series-Connected Multilevel Inverter (MLI) Based on Reduced Power Electronic Devices for Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Sources,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Aug. 2022. (IF-2.807, 2021).
- Rajesh Narayan Deo, Ashish Shrivastava and Kalyan Chatterjee, “Implementation of sliding mode backstepping controller for boost converter in real-time for LED application,” Expert Systems, July 2022 (IF-2.81, 2021).
- Amit Rai, A. Shrivastava and K. C. Jana, “Differential Attention Net: Multi-Directed Differential Attention Based Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Solar Power Forecasting,” Energy (Elsevier), vol. 263, no. Part C, pp. 125746, Jan. 2023 (IF-7.14, 2021).
- Amit Rai, A. Shrivastava and K. C. Jana, “An Empirical Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Solar Power Forecasting in High Dimensional Uncertain Environment,” IETE Technical Review, 2023 (IF-2.333, 2021).
Research articles published in proceedings of International/National conferences
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “PFC Cuk Converter Based Electronic Ballast for an 18 W Compact Fluorescent Lamp,” in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Industrial and Information System, ICIIS 2010, NIT Suratkal, 29 July-1 Aug. 2010, pp. 393-397.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Unity Power Factor Electronic ballast for Universal Voltage Applications,” in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Power Electronic, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2010, New Delhi, Dec 21-23, 2010, pp. 1-6.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Power Quality Improvement using Buck boost Converter for Fluorescent Lighting,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conf. on Sustainable Energy Technological (ICSET 2012), Kathmandu, Nepal, 24-27 Sept. 2012, pp.163-168.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “A universal input single-stage front end power factor corrector for HB-LED lighting applications,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conf. on (INDICON 2012), Kerala,7-9 Dec. 2012, pp.1095-1099.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Improved power quality converter based electronic ballast with high power factor,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conf. on Power Electronics (IICPE 2012), Delhi Technological University, New delhi, 6-8 Dec. 2012, pp.1-6.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Zeta Converter Based Power Supply for HB-LED Lamp with Universal Input,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conf. on Power Electronic, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2012, IISC, Bengaluru, 16-19 Dec. 2012, pp.1-5.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “LLC Series Resonant Converter Based LED Lamp Driver with ZVS,” in Proc. of IEEE Power India Conference (PICONF 2012), Chotu Ram Din Bandhu University, Haryana, 19-22 Dec. 2012, pp.1-5.
- Bhim Singh, Ashish Shrivastava, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, “A Single Stage opto-coupler less Buck-Boost PFC Driver for LED Lamp at Universal Mains” IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL USA, 6 -11 Oct., 2013.
- Amit Agrawal, K. C. Jana and Ashish Shrivastava, “A Review of Different DC/DC Converters for Power Quality Improvement in LED Lighting Load,” in Proc. of IEEE UP Conference ICEEE, GCET, Greater Noida, 27-28 Mar., 2015.
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “Improved Power Quality Opto-Couplerless Cuk Converter for Flicker Less LED Lighting,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conf. ECCE Montreal, Canada, 20-24 Sept., 2015.
- Somnath Pal, Bhim Singh and Ashish Shrivastava, “A Novel Ambiance Changing Energy Saving LED Lighting System with PFM Operated Zeta Converter” in Proc. of IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Texas, USA, 18-22 Oct., 2015.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Boost PFC Electronic Ballast for 18 W Compact Fluorescent Lamp,” in Proc. National Conf. on Recent Advances on Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, RACTEE 2010, SLIET Longowal (India), 19-20 March 2010, pp.1-7.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Zeta Converter Based Power Factor Corrected Electronic Ballast,” in Proc. National Power Electronics Conf. (NPEC 2010), IIT Roorkee (India), 10-13 June 2010, pp.1-6.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Power Factor Regulated Electronic Ballast Operating in DCM,” in Proc. National Conf. on Recent Advances on Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, RACTEE 2011, SLIET Longowal (India), 25-26 Feb. 2011, pp.1-5.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Improved Power Quality Based High Brightness LED Lamp Driver,” in Proc. National Conf. on Emerging Trends in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ETEEE 2010, KNIT Sultanpur (India), 26-27 Nov. 2011, pp.1-4.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Power Factor Corrected Zeta Converter Based LED Lamp Driver for Lighting Systems,” in Proc. National Electrical Engineering Conf., NEEC 2012, DTU, New Delhi (India), 16-17 Dec. 2011, pp.1-5.
- Ashish Shrivastava and Bhim Singh, “Single Stage Single Switch Power Supply (S4PS) Design for Low Power HB-LED Lighting,” in Proc. National Conf. on NPSC 2012, IIT BHU, Varanasi, 12-14 Dec. 2012, pp.1-5.
Patents Granted:
- One German Patent has been granted on “Intelligent Vehicle” on 09th Feb. 2022. Application No.: 20 2021 105 959, Patent No. B60W 50/08
Patents Published:
- Title of investigation: System and Method for Material Segregation Using Dielectric Constant of Material Application No.: 201911036470 (TEMP/E-1/38637/2019-DEL)
Academic Honors and Awards
- Conferred with prestigious POSOCO Power System Award (PPSA-2014) in the Doctoral Category across India for significant contribution in research work at IITD under the supervision of Prof. Bhim Singh, Electrical Engineering department.
- GATE scholarship (Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India), MANIT Bhopal, 1999 to 2001.
- Best Paper Award in National Conf. on Recent Advances on Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, RACTEE 2010, SLIET Longowal (India), 19th - 20th March 2010.
- Best Paper Award in National Conf. on Recent Advances on Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, RACTEE 2011, SLIET Longowal (India), 25th – 26th Feb. 2011.
- GATE scholarship (Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India), MANIT Bhopal, 1999 to 2001.
Membership of Scientific Bodies
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Life member, ISTE