India’s first Government Skill University

Finance Committee Members

Finance Committee Members

S.No. Name and Designation Position
 1  Vice-Chancellor SVSU Dudhola Palwal  Ex-Officio Chairman
 2  The Administrative Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department or his nominee  Ex-Officio Member
 3  The Administrative Secretary to Government, Haryana, Higher Education Department or his nominee  Ex-Officio Member
 4  The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana, SDIT Department or his nominee  Ex-Officio Member
 5  Prof. (Dr.) Jyoti Rana, Dean(SFSMR) SVSU, Dhudhola, Palwal  Member
 6  Shri. Rajat Gupta, CA  Member
 7   Ms Rohini Aggarwal, CA, #67C, B/U7v, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi- 110088  Member
 8  Registrar SVSU Dudhola Palwal  Member -Secretary

Constitution and function of Finance Committee

1. The Finance Committee shall consist of the following persons, namely:
I.) Ex-officio members
  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Administrative Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department or his nominee
  • The Administrative Secretary to Government, Haryana, Higher Education Department or his nominee
  • The Administrative Secretary to Government, Haryana, Skill Development & Industrial Training Department or his nominee
  • The Registrar
II.) Other members-
  • Two outside members having expertise in finance to be nominated by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor
  • One senior Professor to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
  • The Registrar shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Executive Council.
  • three-fifths of the members shall form a quorum: Provided if the quorum is in fraction, and equal to or more than half, it shall be rounded off to next higher number
  • Save as otherwise expressly provided, the members of the Executive Council, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for a term of two years.
2. The Registrar shall be the Member-Secretary of the Committee
3. Nominated members of the Finance Committee shall hold office for a term of two years
4. Five members, out of whom at least two members shall be Government nominees, shall form the quorum

Power of Finance Committee :

1. The Finance Committee shall examine the accounts and scrutinize the proposals for expenditures and shall submit the annual budget to the Executive Council for approval. No expenditure in the budget shall be incurred by the University without the prior approval of the Finance Committee which shall fix limits for the total recurring and non- recurring expenditure for the year based on the resources and the income of the University. No expenditure shall be incurred by the University in excess of the limits so fixed.
2. It shall examine and recommend to the Executive Council the creation of teaching and other posts
3. The annual accounts and the official estimates of the University shall be laid before the Finance Committee for its consideration and comments


Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting

 Sr. No.  EC Meeting No.  Held on  Minutes of Meeting
 1.  1  25.04.2017  Minutes
 2.  2  28.03.2019  Minutes
 3.  3  31.05.2019  Minutes
 4.  4  27.03.2020  Minutes
 5.  5  26.03.2021  Minutes
 6.  6  28.03.2022  Minutes
 7.  7  24.03.2023  Minutes
 8.  8  22.02.2024  Minutes
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